Health Services


We diagnose and treat vision and ocular disorders. Patients with acute eye problems may call us during normal duty hours or go to Urgent Care after duty hours; all others must make appointments during regular duty hours. Ordering new glasses, or adjusting and repairing current glasses, will be provided on a walk-in basis during open hours. The Optometrist can update contact lens prescription only if the patient brings in their current contact lenses and any one of the following: the contact lens boxes or blister packs, a copy of the previous contact lens prescription, or the previous contact lens information that is already documented in the medical record. Patients must wear their contact lens to the exam and bring their glasses. New contact lens fittings are not available due to limited appointment availability. Ophthalmology services are provided by the Yokosuka Naval Hospital or local Japanese hospitals. Ophthalmology appointments are by referral only.

Contact Us


DSN 315-225-8864


Monday and Wednesday
7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday
7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.


Building 4408, Third Floor

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